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An Education

The Pre grade R class children focussing on intellectual development.

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Safety And A Home

We run a residential facility in Salt River where we care for up to 35 boys between the ages of 10-18 years. The facility is registered as a Child and Youth Care Centre (CYCC) with the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD).

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To Be Free From Harm

We serve the vulnerable children in schools and surrounding areas through providing support and guidance to them and their families.

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To Play And Have Fun

The boys in our care have opportunity to go hiking and do various activities

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Early Childhood Development

We run two Playschools where our ECD practitioners facilitate Early Learning.

Child and Youth Care Centre

The Centre is home to 35 boys age 10 to 18, placed via The Children’s court.

Prevention and Early Intervention

We educate and support children and families to prevent abuse.

OUR Blogs

To make services accessible to vulnerable children and families in order that they may participate in their own development and become self-reliant.

Every child should feel safe, feel loved, be in school and be able to play.

There are many children in South Africa living in poverty. Because of this they are at high risk of abuse and neglect and don’t feel safe as they live in communities and homes where there is violence and/or substance abuse. Something can be done with the right support and services – preventing abuse before it happens, reducing risk of children ending up on the streets. We attempt to tackle these issues by providing services to vulnerable children and families in three ways: Early Childhood Development, Prevention and Early Intervention Programmes, and a Child and Youth Care Centre.


To make services accessible to vulnerable children and families in order that they may participate in their own development and become self-reliant.


To help each person to live to their full potential with dignity and be fully equipped with the skills required for healthy living.